Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Will There Be Giant, Evil Robots in Avengers: Age of Ultron?

WARNING: There be Iron Man 3 spoilers ahead. If you haven't seen it and don't want to ruin it, look away. If you have seen it or simply don't care, read on!
So as we all know at the end of Iron Man 3, Tony Stark has his Arc Reactor removed, turning him back into a normal Joe (which surprised me, because let's face it, that's what makes him Iron Man. And personally, I though it was a bit cheap that all of a sudden the suits can be flown without Tony inside them and TADA no more dependence on the reactor. Ok, I'll stop ranting now). And it was just a few months ago that Marvel confirmed they've locked up Robert Downey Jr for another two films. You're probably asking the same thing as me...BUT HOW WILL THIS WORK? Don't freak out, we have answers.

Speaking recently with, 'Iron Man 3' screenwriter Drew Pearce explains how 'Avengers' director Joss Whedon will integrate the new Tony Stark into 'Age of Ultron':
"We take his arc reactor out, but I think we also make a pretty definite statement that he is Iron Man. And although Joss isn’t part of the process as such, he saw all the cuts of the movie, so I’ve got to assume he knows exactly what he wants to do with Tony in [The Avengers: Age of Ultron] and how we’ve left [Tony Stark] is going to help that, not hinder it."
Pearce shifted the idea of Iron Man actually being a human to unmanned suits also spoke about how the idea of robots will play into the future of the MCU:
"Obviously, Age of Ultron suggests that in Avengers 2 there will definitely be some level of, if not giant evil robots, then definitely a robotic or artificial intelligence entity. I may or may not have been excited about it for a year. Not every aspect of Phase Two is planned already, but Joss has been thinking about it for a year and Kevin has been thinking about what Avengers 2 does since the first film. The scale I think they’re going to reach for is going to be truly epic, which is incredible when you consider how epic Avengers was. But on a character level the story will actually be smaller, or at least more intimate. It’s hard to put a list together of all the things Joss [Whedon] is good at as a writer, but definitely in the top five would be dealing with the shifting dynamics of a large group of characters." 

And Pearce says the idea that Stark creates Ultron is something that we should NOT be overly excited about.
There is a hell of a lot of rumors, though. Ultron may be something that appears in Guardians of the Galaxy, or it might appear in the Thor universe. I’ve read a lot of stuff online, and I don’t think anyone has got close to the real plan yet. 
Smoke and mirrors? Maybe.

All that I can say is these are the most definite set of details we've seen about 'Age of Ultron' thus far. And with Whedon at the helm we've learned that we can expect almost anything...that can be a scary, exciting and uncomfortable feeling. Seriously.

'Avengers: Age of Ultron' is set to go into production next March year in England - the cast from 'The Avengers' have confirmed they will be returning, and newcomer Aaron Taylor-Johnson confirmed he'll be playing Quicksilver, while the role of Scarlet Witch yet to be confirmed (rumours say Elizabeth Olsen is in negotiations for the part).

The only movie detail that can be confirmed is that 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' will hit theatres on May 1st, 2015. See what I did there? :)

Twitter: @Stepherland

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