Monday, October 7, 2013

Top 10 Unique Halloween Costumes

October is Halloween month! And with everyone and their foam finger going out as Miley Cyrus and Beetlejuice (ahem, Robin Thicke) it got me thinking. I suspect a lot of popular and sexy costumes as always from this amazing annual tradition, however I think it’s time some people thought outside the box and go as something unique that will keep the fellow party goers guessing or having a couple yucks. For some thinking outside the box is a bit of a chore, but not to fear, perhaps my list of Top 10 Unique Halloween Costumes will help kick start the brainstorming process.

#10: Eddy from Iron Maiden

Like a zombie, but ten times the badassery. If you’re looking for something that will defiantly scare the kids then this is the costume for you.

#9: Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man

Family Guy jokes aside, this not only is creative, but it will also generate some laughs.

#8: The Dude from The Big Lebowski

For the lazy Halloween enthusiasts, grow a goatee, don’t shower for a week and be sure to make White Russians your new favourite drink.

#7: The Most Interesting Man In the World

I don’t always dress up for Halloween, but when I do, I look awesome doing it.

#6: Miley’s Foam Finger

Since everyone will be dressed as Miley, why not think ahead of the curb and keep your dignity in tact by wearing this get up, and proceed pointing at people’s junk.

#5: Medusa

Medusa is one of the coolest creatures in Greek mythology ever, and I feel the rise of superhero fandom has somewhat over shadowed this amazing character.

#4: Pregnant Kif

It doesn’t seem like this poor little green alien has ever had someone cosplaying him, you could be the first one!

#3: Aquarium

Any parents that are looking for a kid friendly idea will surely buy into this splashy idea, hook, line, and sinker.

#2: No Face

Defiantly a fan favourite in the Miyazaki world, this eerie yet gentle creature will defiantly grab some looks.

#1: Hans Solo Cup

For all you Star Wars nerds that can’t resist dressing up this year, here’s a funny twist.

By: Becky Cocek

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