Sunday, September 1, 2013

Kurt Russell is Fast and very Furious

By: James Bowler

He may be old as balls, but Kurt Russell is still the biggest badass in movie history.

Anyone who played Snake Plissken twice, fought a shape-shifting, man-eating alien in goddam Antarctica, took on some kind of snake-dragon thing below the streets of Little China and was in any Quentin Tarantino film automatically fills that role. 

And now the original badass is meeting up with some of the newer film badasses in the most badass of series Fast and Furious.

 Russell has been confirmed to be playing a role in the 7th installment of the series which was originally offered to Denzel Washington (clearly Denzel couldn't handle how badass the role was).

There have been no details on his character yet, but if its anything like the Russell of the 90's he'll be wearing an eye-patch, have numerous scars, and bring and old school beating on Rocky and Vinny-boy.

With horror-director James Wan moving outside of his regular genre to take the helm of the next installment this could be an interesting mix altogether.

Do you think Russell could make an comeback in Fast and Furious 7? Let us know in the comments below.

Twitter: @journalistjim

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