Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Cosplay Review: Fan Expo 2013

By: Becky Čoček 

Costumes and conventions go together better than when PB and J first hooked up. Yes we all remember those nerds that would go to the Star Trek/Wars dressed up like skinny prepubescent Vaders and Mr. Spocks. Remember how we all laughed at them and their silly little get ups? Well… looks like the joke is on us.

Costume Play or commonly known as “Cosplay” has become a flourishing subculture amongst today’s nerds, where anyone can dress up as their favourite character in any type of genre related to fan culture from sci-fi, to classic Halloween horror.  So this summer I was lucky enough to be a part of magic that unfolded that fateful weekend at Fan Expo Canada, and boy my first year did not disappoint!

I must say when I arrived on Thursday, the moment that escalator descended down amongst the hordes of people and stuff, I had the expression of Taylor Swift’s award show face. 

Yeah that one

There was everything to take in. The people, the vendors, the mountains of unlimited merch, the overpriced munchies at the food court, (Really Pizza Pizza, $8 for a crappy cold poutine?) and of course the cosplayers. I might sound a little biased when I say that the costumes were my favourite part of the weekend, but I say this with good reason.

#1: Homemade Costumes

If you’re like me, there’s nothing more satisfying than making your own costume. Every Halloween season had me rummaging through Value Village and other thrift shops, trying to find the perfect pieces of fabrics and clothes. As any costume maker or seamstress should know, this shit takes time. Not to mention effort, detail, money, measuring twice, cutting once and above all else, patience, because I can’t count how many times I’ve messed up on one stupid part. But damn, it sure pays off when strutting around the building and you have a dozen people that want your picture. It’s something I’ve always admired about this subculture and they look amazing. Some of my faves:

Annnnd the nightmares begin

#2: Attitude and Respect

It was very pleasing to find that despite being in a crowded building, sharing the body heat of the ones around you, picking up a whiff of B.O here and there, wanting to rip off the head off the slow person in front of you and oh yeah being in your heavy, sweaty costume; most if not all the cosplayers I met kept a smile on through it all, and that’s something to commend especially in a room like this:

Or this:

This is why I starved myself all weekend

Not only that but the level of respect I witnessed between cosplayers and general attendees alike were also something to note. I’m not saying it’s all peaches and gravy on this topic as I’m sure plenty of you fan boys and girls know, but we’ll cover that story later.

#3 Unlikely/Rare Characters

If you were one of the 100,000 fans at the Metro Convention Centre you probably saw a lot of Harley Quinn, Doctors, Loki, Batman, Finn and other popular costumes there. And not that it was a bad thing either! Lots of great and amazing interpretations of almost every genre were executed! However one treat for me was seeing a couple of lone costumed folk roaming the floor with no other imitator around like Frank here:

Why am I not terrified?

...or maybe a handful of people knowing who the hell they’re supposed to be. Case in point:

Ruby Gloom and Skull Boy aka: Cutest Couple Ever

#5: Fun! Excitement!

Coming to this year’s Fan Expo was like stepping in a TARDIS and emerging two months later at Halloween, but instead of trick or treating the name of the game is to relax and have fun acting like a superhero for the day. Because come on! Who doesn’t want to be a superhero?

I’m just going to leave this right here.

Twitter & Vine: @beckscocek

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