Monday, September 16, 2013

Pink Stars are....rising? Under The Dome Season 1 finale

First of all I just want to say I've already read a few reviews and I won't name any names but what a sorry sack of you-know-whats.

From people calling the series terrible with plot holes and an annoying cliffhanger, to someone bitching about Hollywood attempting to milk the original story for all its worth, it's clear to me why good and intelligent story lines and clever plot twists and cliffhangers are usually left hanging forever.

If things don't end with a happy ending everyone gets pissed, and of course we get negative reviews from critics who's heads were clearly inserted up their asses long ago (its the old adage, if people can find something to complain about they will).

Well suck it up princesses, welcome to the wonderful world of well thought out plot lines.

My one question if this show was so terrible why are you watching and not only watching it but, watching it until the season finale? Riddle me that one morons.

Anyways I will quit ranting about idiots who have no idea what makes good television these days and move onto my own review, which I'm sure you can tell will be favourable.

Despite some other entertainment sites claiming the series was full of plot holes, I found no such errors with this series.

The story line actually runs along quite smoothly, the dome comes down, everyone trapped inside either goes in the direction of following others for answers or realizing that the one who controls the resources controls the town.

And of course Big Jim Rennie shoots and maims his way to the top of that pile very quickly.

In the novel Big Jim actually does take over the town and frames Barbie for a number of murders that he himself committed.

And for a short while I wasn't sure if the series was going to go in that direction, but it quickly went there, and it couldn't have fit more perfectly. A once seemingly successful partnership, while very thin, between Big Jim and Barbie quickly turns sour when Barbie threatens to remove the throne from beneath Big Jim's mighty ass.

Barbie is used as a scapegoat in order for Big Jim to win favour with the people of the town and basically take over as its ruler and the only thing standing in his way is the possibility of the dome coming down.

So he terrorizes the kids who are working to protect the egg in the mini dome which they believe holds all the power of the dome itself.

And for some reason Linda loses all of her ballsiness that she had garnered after taking over as Sheriff and basically caters to all of Big Jim's lies....pretty terrible police deductions there Linda.

I think the most interesting piece of this finale was that it does in fact seem that aliens are involved in the appearance of the dome, but unlike the story line in the novel where the dome is meant as an ant farm type apparatus in order to amuse juvenile aliens, the being that communicates with Julia and the kids warns them that the dome was meant to protect them from something that hasn't happened or come yet.

So we already have our season two story line set up, what is this mysterious big bad thing that needs an entire missile-proof dome to protect these people from? And is it going to seal the fate of the rest of the world which lies unprotected?

Seems like more may be explained next season after Julia dropped the egg in the water to protect it which sent Pink Stars rising (instead of falling) into the sky which broke apart the darkness but caused a massive amount of light.

Meanwhile Barbie's fate is left in the hands of Junior Rennie who was seemingly about to pull the lever to release the platform on the guillotine Barbie is attached to, hanging Barbie.

I must admit the cliffhanger ending was frustrating, but I am not going to go as far as to say that the entire series is terrible and throw a big tantrum like a child in Toys R' Us who didn't get the toy he wanted.

This is television people, it has to remain lucrative and interesting. Wrapping everything up with a neat bow is not interesting or lucrative at all.

And just to note, Stephen King is writing the first episode of the second season, now call me crazy, but I can't think that King would have any involvement with the second series if he thought it was just going to be a piece of garbage meant as a cash grab by CBS. And for those of you who say he's in it for the money too, you've obviously never heard his thoughts on some other versions of his books adapted for TV and film.

Stick with Geeks By Day for a less tantrum-filled, non-skeptical nor ignorant review of Season Two of Under The Dome...I'll have all your Season 2 news leading up to the next season which hits next summer.

By: James Bowler

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