Monday, September 16, 2013

Some 'Blurred Lines' in 'Gone Girl'

When it comes to anything by Gillian Flynn I am on board...I even have the copy of Gone Girl sitting happily on my desk at work.

So when breaks casting news like model-actress Emily Ratajkowski, who appeared in Robin Thicke's 'Blurred Lines' music video, will be playing a major role in 'Gone Girl' the film adaption, I'm not worried.

Why am I not worried?

Ben Affleck and David Fincher, that's why!

Fincher killed it in the adaption of 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' (seriously I think it was better than the Finnish version, haters gonna hate!), and Affleck has seriously done a fantastic job in his recent dramas like Argo and The Town.

So knowing that Affleck will helm the lead role of Nick, and Fincher is helming the directors chair, I know that they both can only lead someone like Ratajkowski, who has very little acting experience, into a fantastic role.

Also my man NPH (Neil Patrick Harris) hits the big screen in this film as well!

By the way, she'll be playing the role of Andie, the mistress to Nick. 

'Gone Girl' follows the story of Nick Dunne, who comes home one day to find his wife Amy missing from their North Carthage home. As he desperately searches for her, the cops are hot on his heels believing he may be involved in her disappearance and possible death and Nick must deal with all of his secrets and lies slowly becoming unearthed.

Fantastic read and I highly suggest it and Flynn's other two books.

'Gone Girl' is slated to hit theaters in 2015 and stars Ben Affleck, Neil Patrick Harris, Tyler Perry and Rosamund Pike.

And if you can't wait until 2015 to get some Flynn on film, Dark Places starring Charlize Theron, Chloe Grace Moretz, Christina Hendrick and Nick Hoults hits theaters next September in 2014.  

By: James Bowler


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