Friday, September 20, 2013

Power Rangers 'dark and gritty' short film?

What started out as a good day just turned amazing.

ScreenRant recently did an interview with the reboot Mortal Kombat film director Kevin Tancharoen and its like he reached into my deepest dreams and fantasies and came out with the most amazing lump of brain goo ever.

Tancharoen wants to do a short film about the Power Rangers. Not only that, he wants to dig up the original cast and put them in a dark and gritty style short film.

I can't even begin to describe how epic this project would be.

Here's a snippet from the ScreenRant interview about Tancharoen's vision of this film:

Kevin Tancharoen: Zordon is dying and Red Ranger has to go find the Green Ranger, who’s now an MMA fighter, and the Yellow Ranger died in a car accident and they all have to reunite together. You know, just make it as dark as possible. I thought that would be really fun to do.
 Screen Rant: That’s brilliant. I think you would set the Internet on fire.
 KT: [Laughs] You open up with the Red Ranger doing MMA. I would want to go there and I think it would be a lot of fun.

If Tancharoen takes on this daunting task and not only puts it together but also makes it as amazing as I'm imagining (yes my standards are the absolutely highest of all geeks), he will be the king of geeks, king above J.J. Abrams even. You better believe I just said that.

What do you think? Can Tancharoen pull this off? Let us know in the comments below. 

By: James Bowler

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