Sunday, September 8, 2013

'A New Dawn' on the horizon for Star Wars Episode VII?

By: James Bowler

Another grain of salt rumor has hit the internet regarding Star Wars.

According to the site Talk Backer, a source has told them that one of the possible names being thrown around for the new Star Wars film is 'A New Dawn'.

Surprisingly similar to the original film's name, 'A New Hope', which was tacked on after Lucas decided to turn it into a trilogy, we here at GBD suggest you really, REALLY take this one with a big old salt pill.

However if the title does turn out to be 'A New Dawn' or something similar what does this suggest? Well it probably follows through with the tease that the Jedi are starting to rebuild and amass, amidst the recent fall of the Empire. 

The same source has also teased to the site that the Millennium Falcon will make an appearance as well...hopefully not as a junker:

“… yes the falcon will make a big appearance, 1.1 scale size cross section is being constructed over at Pinewood, along with a power plant set and the famous Cantina.”

Seriously geeks get ready for a whole lot of denial from Abrams and execs as well when it comes to this news.

Remember when Khan wasn't supposed to be in Star Trek according to Abrams? Yeah so do we.

Even with news of Benedict Cumberbatch joining 'the Dark Side of the Force' his people were quick to deny all claims.

It's the way the film industry works now, the internet happened and now everyone knows everything, and they will deny it until the film is released.

What do you think of these rumors? Should the 'Falcon' make a cameo appearance?

Let us know in the comments below.

Twitter: @journalistjim

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