Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Team Coco releases new 'Clueless Gamer' Review for 'Splinter Cell: Blacklist'

By: James Bowler

The hilarious bastards over at Team Coco have put together this fantastic review of Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

Conan pulls in artist J. Cole to help him play and review the game.

It's just basically Conan making cracks about how he is a terrible gamer and has no idea what this game is about, but it's classic Conan and completely hilarious.

I'm there with you Conan, I am terrible at FPS games, but well, its still fun shooting big guns that I can never remember the names to and literally have no idea how to handle them properly.

Having never played any of the Splinter Cell series (and I probably never will) or any other of this Tom Clancy, or whatever the hell it is, style game, I still had a thoroughly enjoyable time watching this.

Check out the video below.

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