Monday, September 9, 2013

Talks of 'World War Z 2'

One of my favorite films of the summer was World War Z . I went in with low expectations only because I heard how much trouble the production had and the re-shoots and delays , it just sounded like it was a nightmare to work on. I heard Brad Pitt and director Marc Forster were fighting all the time and at one point weren't even talking to one another.
Needless to say I went in not expecting very much , I was pleasantly made aware that my expectation were wrong and I ended up loving the film , now not perfect by any stretch but very very entertaining and well paced.

When word of a sequel came up at this years TIFF it defiantly sparked my interests, I only hope that this time around the production goes a little smoother. The first one ended perfectly just as is as a stand alone piece but also left it open for a sequel. Anyone want to bet though that this time around Brad will be looking for a different director.

Here's what Brad had to say :

“We’re certainly talking about it, yeah. We have so many ideas on the table from the time we spent just developing this thing, and finding out how zombie worlds work. We have so many ideas, and so much information that we think we got a lot of stuff in mind from or to. So we’re going to do our best and see what we get out of it. We got to get the script right first to determine if we go further.”

Or check out the quick interview below from the TIFF.

By:Casey Chourney

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