Friday, October 11, 2013

Original Star Wars teaser trailer shows a humble beginning

Back in the 1970's George Lucas was fresh on the scene still and having just come out of his success with American Graffiti, Lucas decided it was time to take his next film out of old Americana and into the stars.

Because your next logical step from making your first popular film is to basically jump to something completely different than what got you noticed in the first place.

But it worked.

On the verge of a possible new teaser coming out for Star Wars Episode VII, the very first teaser ever released for Star Wars: A New Hope has been released.

It has a cheeseball 70's feel that mixes in with Alien, The Black Hole and possibly Tron. You even have the dude who sounds like he'd probably be a huge buzzkill at a party with a voice like that.

Now this teaser was actually released before a lot of the proper edits had been completed and the special effects like colour in the light sabers (yes your eyes aren't fooling you, they are totally white in this teaser), so it looks super low budget.

Not to mention the lighting is terrible and its grainy as hell, not like our digital, super hi-def, max sound films we're used to today, with glitzy big-name stars and fancy lifelike special effects.

When you watch this teaser you wonder, how did this become a series of films, cartoons, video games, toys, merchandise and novels.

How did this little film that looks so cheesy, so 70's, turn into one of the largest franchises, so big that it spawned five more films over the next three decades with at least five more on the way and even helped created some of the film and stereo technology still used today.

It's almost a humbling experience to sit and watch this small clip and realize that great things come from very small beginnings, and imagination has the power to create anything.

It also takes us back to a time when movies were more about the experience, the journey, it wasn't about the hipster attitude of who is or should be in this, and how your favourite story line should have been portrayed, how the filmmaker or writer screwed it all up.

We went to the movies to go on an adventure that we couldn't take in our real lives, we put ourselves in the hands of the directors, actors, editors, and we were taken to magical places we could never have dreamed of.

When those lights went down your excitement and anticipation went up and for just over an hour, your life changed forever.

Take a look at the Star Wars teaser below and maybe inspiration will hit you as it did with Lucas so many years ago.

By: James Bowler

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