Thursday, October 3, 2013

Broadchurch heads for Fox with Tennant on board

Probably one of the highest rated series on ITV since Downton Abbey (which had everyone talking like Brits for like a year), is the one season wonder (so far), Broadchurch.

And the exciting news for fans is that, not only has Fox picked up the series for remake, but David Tennant is set to reprise his role as Alec Hardy in the series.

Set in a small British town, the show revolves around detective inspector Alec Hardy's (Tennant) first time on the smaller force since he left a larger force after an unknown incident forced him to retire his position there.

Of course he steps right in it, as on his first day there is a dead child found who so happens to be the child of his partner's friends.

And basically he goes around digging up the towns secrets and causing a huge raucous amongst the little town. I won't spoil it for you if you haven't seen it but this town has some deep dark secrets that they'd all rather stay buried.

But the biggest secret of all comes out tied to the death of  Danny Latimer when the case is solved. Its actually so screwed up that I wonder if Fox will have the balls to have the exact same plot scenario.

Now remaking British TV series for American and Canadian viewers is nothing new, its been happening since The Office with other shows like the Netflix hit series 'House of Cards' and the Canadian continuation of 'Primeval' (the results have varied drastically as well).

But this is the first time I know of that a show is being remade from the start with the same actor more than likely playing the same role. Tennant was a master playing Detective Inspector Alec Hardy, and slowly revealing his dark past to the characters in the show and the audience watching, so it totally makes sense for Fox to want to revive his role.

This will be the first time that Fox has jumped on the band wagon of British remakes. Now a year ago I would have been surprised by this decision. However it seems that Fox Broadcasting has finally realized that the numbers are in the more well-scripted not thrown together but a drunken frat party ideas. Shows like the recently finalized Fringe and Sleepy Hollow, even Brooklyn Nine-Nine have shown a clear adaption to a more intelligent audience.

Don't get me wrong Fox still has ridiculous shows like all their reality garbage and 'Bones'. But finally the people like me who crave creativity and a plot line that actually evolves and grows instead of rehasing the same garbage every episode will get something to chew on from the network.

The Broadchurch remake is set to hit Fox in the 2014-15 season, and if Sleepy Hollow and the upcoming J.J. Abrams series 'InHuman' keep their creative grip on audiences, it looks like its going to be a good year for Fox Broadcasting.

You can check out the first season of the ITV version of Broadchurch now, either online (nefarious ways are up to you) or order the DVD set.

Season Two of ITV's Broadchurch is set to broadcast in 2014 as well.

By: James Bowler

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