Monday, September 30, 2013

Cosplay Review: NYC Cosplay

A week ago I ventured down to the states, New York City that is, and my, what a trip that was. It truly is the city that never sleeps and being in a hotel directly around the corner from Times Square I too got little to no sleep during my stay.

One thing stood out to me as I roamed the streets of Times Square and that was all the costumed characters. I got excited and sure enough, a loan Elmo spotted me and my dorky smile, so I happily got a picture with him:

If you haven’t been to Times Square, be prepared to see many costumed folk. It’s like the Toronto Batman or Bumblebee but on such a larger scale. Most costumes are familiar characters to entice the kids (such as myself) like that Woody you see in the background, Spiderman, Batman, even Hello Kitty, but my personal favourite:


But even after all the smiles and pictures, there’s a stern look at how these people run their business. While on a city bus tour, one of the guides had mentioned that each of the characters had to obtain a permit to work there and audition to get to the street, and for good reason. Upon further investigating, attention on these Times Square cosplayers has not been the fondest in recent memory, with the most prevalent one being a Cookie Monster, shoving a two year old over a two dollar tip.

When you really think about it, just about anyone can go out to the shops, buy a full sized Mickey Mouse costume and roam the streets. Even though many of these characters have permits and are fully able to stand there for 8 hours of the day, do you really know who you are getting a photo with? Who you are letting your child stand with?

That being said, it’s enough to get me to be a little more cautious for my next trip to NYC. The last thing I need is an overly handsy Buzz Lightyear to grope me.
By: Becky Cocek 

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