Friday, September 13, 2013

Zombie Fitness Part 2: Zombies, Run!

By: Britt Turkington

So now that we can all run a 5K (just kidding), it's time to start looking at how you can maintain your stamina and interest at the same time.

'Zombies, Run!' is very similar to the 'Zombies, Run! 5K Training' (which I talked about in Part 1 of this story) but now you're a full time runner for a struggling civilization. Your nickname is 'Runner 5' and your job is to run out of the base to collect supplies for the survivors living within.

While you are out on your run you will encounter zombies, pick up items, and learn the background of the base and characters. The characters will tell you when you need to go faster or when you can slow down based on the zombie mobs around you. This is the same as the 5K training App in the sense that all of the information will be played in between listening to your own playlist directly from your device. You can also share your runs and track your progress just as you can in the 5K training.

The great thing about this App is that the entertainment doesn't stop just because you're not running. After you return you can actually use the supplies you gathered on your run to build up the base. This is just one more way that 'Zombies, Run!' helps keep you involved and wanting more.

For me, I needed something to help overcome the three problems I encountered while trying to stay in shape by running: breathing, strength, and overcoming the overwhelming thoughts I had that I couldn't do it and needed to stop. And as crazy as it may sound, apparently running from imaginary zombies is just what I needed to do so. So, as promised, here is how it helped me get over these 3 insanely large obstacles:

1. Breathing.
It is really true what they say, breathing is really everything when it comes to working out. If you're not breathing right, you won't be able to go for as long. If you can't go for as long, you're not going to get the burn you need to in order to meet your fitness goals. During the 5K training you will start doing short intervals of running which really helps you keep your breath. But if you're looking for an extra tip, trying breathing in for 3-5 steps and then out for 3-5 steps (depending on how fast you're going). Also, if you're on a treadmill at home, try singing. Singing forces you to breathe... and who doesn't love to belt out a song every now and then? I know I can often be found singing (and even busting the odd move) while on my treadmill.

2. Strength. 
Once I got my breathing down it was my leg muscles holding me back. I could run for much longer as far as my breathing was concerned but the burn in my legs had me stopping much more than I wanted. This is where the strength training instructions come in to play. During some of your runs you will stop and do half squats and toe lifts to help build up your leg muscles. 

3. 'I can't. I need to stop'
This was the hardest thing for me to overcome. While I know I won't actually be eaten by zombies if I stop during a chase, there is a sense of pride when you can make it through the entire mob without stopping. This is definitely a good start to changing your thinking. It really is all about changing your thinking from negatives to positives. Which, I'll admit, is easier said than done. But if you can master this you may just fall in love with running as much as I have.

I first weighed myself on June 26th (I was too afraid to do so before) and as of this morning I have lost 30lbs in total. Now, of course, I am also counting calories. I would to put in all that work and then just eat it away. That being said, it's really not just about the weight. In the span of 5 months (since I first downloaded 'Zombies, Run! 5K Training') I have gone from loathing running, to running 3-5K 6 days a week and loving ever minute of it. But alas, the proof is in the pudding... erm... so to speak...

These pants would barely button when I started.

So as you can see, both of these Apps helped me tremendously with my personal fitness goals. I really can't recommend them enough if you're like me and need something entertaining to keep you interested. 'Zombies, Run!' is available for iOS, Windows Phone and Andriod at the current price of $1.99 so there really isn't a better time than now to become part of these statistics... 

...Well, maybe not all of these statistics.


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