Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Game Night: Star Fluxx

Are you the type to get board of the same old rules to the same old game? Maybe you're just a fan of Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr Who, or Firefly. If any of the above are true for you then grab you're Intergalactic Travel Guide because it's time to explore Star Fluxx by Looney Labs. But watch out... It's a trap!

Star Fluxx is a card game that is both beautifully simple and intriguingly complex. It's simplicity really comes down to reading what it says on the card you want to play, and then doing that thing. The complexity is a result of the games ever changing rules.

The game can be played in anywhere from 5-30 minutes with 2-6 players, but as most card games, the more players you have, the more interesting things get.

To start you will place the Basic Rules card in the middle of the table. You will then shuffle the deck and deal each player 3 cards. The remainder of the deck will be placed beside the Basic Rules to form the Draw pile.

The deck contains six different types of cards:

Keepers - Played in front of you to show possession. 
Goals - Set the criteria for winning the game. Usually this will be a combination of two keepers you need to have in front of you in order to win.
Creepers - Are immediately thrown into play when drawn. They are the 'evil' versions of the Keeper cards and usually prevent a player from winning. Although there are a few Goals in which you need a Creeper to win.

Surprise - Can be played out of turn to interrupt another players move.
Actions - Are one-time cards that are used by the player to perform actions such as stealing another players keeper or bringing back an already played card from the discard pile.
New Rules - Are played in the middle of the table and sometimes can modify the Basic Rules. The New Rules can be anything from changing the draw or play amount, instating a keep or hand limit, or even allowing you to draw extra cards.

On your turn you will draw and play the number of cards that is currently required, discard down to the current hand limit (if any), and comply with the current keeper limit (if any). The game continues until one player meets the conditions of the current goal.

This game is awesome for a great deal of reasons but if you're any kind of sci-fi fan, you're going to love the thought that was put in to some of these cards. For example, the Expendable Crewman card (complete with red shirt) in the picture above which allows you to protect your other Keepers through it's sacrifice. 

The greatest part of the game is that the instructions are printed on each card. You are never left with one card in your hand the entire game because you don't know what to do with it but you don't wan to ask to give away your hand.

 For all of these reasons and more Star Fluxx is a perfect game for introducing newcomers, satisfying your want to endlessly quote your favorite science fiction characters, or just breaking up the longer games of the night. I give it nine Holographic Projections out of ten.

Live long and prosper.

By: Britt Turkington


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